Al-Usroh : Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam <p><strong>Al-Usroh : Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam </strong>yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Ahwal Syakhsiyyah (Hukum Keluarga), Jurusan Syariah, Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) Sangatta Kutai Timur, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. Jurnal ini menerbitkan paper/artikel ilmiah secara berkala dua (2) kali dalam setahun (Juni dan Desember).</p> <p>Jurnal ini menerbitkan artikel hasil penelitian, kajian pustaka dan atau hasil resensi buku mengenai hukum keluarga islam. Adapun ruang lingkupnya adalah: Hukum Keluarga Islam; Fikih Munakahat; Pemikiran Hukum Islam; Hukum Perdata Islam; Kajian Ushuliyah di bidang hukum domestik; Ilmu Falaq; Hukum Perkawinan; Islam dan Gender; Fikih keluarga</p> en-US (Achmad Fahruddin) (Firdaus) Tue, 30 Jul 2024 14:02:53 +0000 OJS 60 KESENJANGAN USIA DALAM PERNIKAHAN MENURUT FIQH MUNAKAHAT DI KECAMATAN WARUNGASEM <p>This research aims to explain the age gap that occurs in marriage. The subjects in this study were husband and wife couples whose ages were more than 8 years apart. Interviews and observations were conducted in October 2023. This research used descriptive qualitative research methods. The aspects discussed in this research are the meaning of marriage itself, the factors that cause the age gap in marriage, and also the impact of this large age difference. The results of this research are that marriages with a large age gap do not affect the household situation becoming strained, even if the husband is more mature, then he will be able to guide his wife and children. Couples who are ready to get married physically and mentally are also expected to have a prosperous and quality family.</p> Ida Fara Apriliani, Maulida Afiyah, Widodo Hami Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Usroh : Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam Tue, 30 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 KAFAAH DALAM PERNIKAHAN UNTUK MEMBENTUK KEHARMONISAN RUMAH TANGGA <p>Islam encourages forming a family, marriage is His Sunnah. Marriage is also a servant's way of getting closer to the Creator, provided that he marries the right person. Because family is like a small picture in life that fulfills human desires, without eliminating needs. This research uses qualitative research methods with a literature study approach. Research findings show that forming a harmonious and harmonious family is everyone's desire. Marriage is not only about fulfilling instincts and sharing material desires, but more than that there are various tasks that must be fulfilled, both psychologically, spiritually and socially which must be responsibilities. Including things that must be fulfilled, namely Kafa'ah. Kafa'ah in marriage, according to Islamic legal terms, is balance and harmony between the prospective wife and husband in terms of social, moral and economic levels, so that each candidate does not find it difficult to enter into marriage. Kafa'ah in marriage regarding household harmony is seen from several criteria that are taken into consideration, such as religion, lineage, assets, profession and also physical absence of defects. The influence of kafa'ah in marriage can be seen from several criteria in choosing a life partner.</p> Ayda Mazaya, Rokhu Dlotul Laeliyah, Widodo Hami Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Usroh : Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam Tue, 30 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PERAN TNI ANGKATAN DARAT DALAM MEMBANGUN KETAHANAN KELUARGA (STUDI KASUS PERUMAHAN SOKOWATEN SOROWAJAN BARU BANGUNTAPAN BANTUL YOGYAKARTA) <p>Every individual is no exception in the household life of TNI members, that is they can build a harmonies family if they properly understand the role of each member of the family in the midst of their busy lives as civil servants and other profession, which is not an obstacle to running away from their role. What must be done for the resilience of a family. Families or individuals who are able to survive all existing conditions have the opportunity to have strong family resilience. The research method used is qualitative-descriptive, with data collection techniques in three ways, namely observation, interviews, and documentation. The result of this paper is more or less the discovery of several important roles played by the TNI AD and his wife in building household resilience, namely: 1. Good communication between husband and wife. 2. Share roles. 3. Mutual trust. 4. Vacation together or spending time with family. 5. Good communication with extended family and with in-laws. 6. Cultivate a sense of responsibility to children, especially to boys. 7. Applying authoritarian and democratic parenting. 8. Changing the role of the husband. 9. Take the wife wherever the husband is on duty. 10. Accompany my husband wherever he changes his job. With this, it is hoped that the TNI AD family will pay more attention to their role as family members so that they can build family resilience to build national resilience.</p> Nur Kamilia Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Usroh : Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam Tue, 30 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 KELUARGA SAKINAH: IDEALISME DAN IMPLEMENTASI DALAM AL-QUR’AN <p>The Koran, as the holy book of Muslims, not only contains spiritual guidance but also provides ideal principles that influence various aspects of human life. This research aims to identify the elements of idealism contained in the verses of the Koran and how these principles are applied in building a sakinah family. This research uses a qualitative approach. The main source used is the Al-Quran text, while references from various literature, such as books, journals, websites are used as secondary sources to provide additional context and interpretation related to the implementation of Al-Quran values ​​in building a sakinah family. Research findings show that the Al-Qur'an as a guide in forming a sakinah family is an indisputable necessity. The Koran is not only a source of religious teachings, but also provides practical guidance in managing family relationships. Implementation of the values ​​of the Koran, such as love, understanding, patience and good communication, is a solid foundation for the success of creating a harmonious and peaceful family. The existence of the Koran as a guide ensures that every step taken by family members is based on the principles taught by the religion.</p> Siti Nurul Salsabila, Sarlina Sarlina, Nurul Aminah, Yusi Nudya, Naina Shifa, Andi Chandra, Ilham Ahmad, Imron Gozali Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Usroh : Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam Tue, 30 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 SEJARAH DAN PERKEMBANGAN PERADILAN ISLAM MASA KEMERDEKAAN SAMPAI REFORMASI <p>This study examines the history and development of Islamic judiciary in Indonesia from the independence period to the reform era. The main focus is to identify structural, legal, and role changes of the Islamic judiciary in the context of political and social dynamics during this period. In the early days of independence, the Islamic judiciary was part of the national legal system and faced various challenges in enforcing Sharia law. Significant changes occurred throughout the Old Order, New Order, and especially during the reform era, marked by decentralization and democratization that strengthened the position of the Islamic judiciary. This study employs a historical approach and policy analysis to explore the transformation of the Islamic judiciary in response to various political and social changes in Indonesia. The results of the research indicate that the Islamic judiciary has developed significantly, adapting to constitutional and legal changes, and plays an important role in law enforcement in Indonesia. However, there are still challenges in the full integration of the Islamic judiciary into the national legal system that need to be addressed.</p> Hartono Hartono, Muchammad Abdul Basir, Muh Din Syamsul Hadi, Febriana Nurhaliza, Lailatul Maulidya Hanafi Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Usroh : Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam Tue, 30 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000